Gorenje D71310 Tumble Dryer Spares
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Gorenje D71310 (376056/01) : 1 - 12 of 103
Gorenje D71310 Poly-Vee Drive Belt 1942H8 / 1942H8PHE Also Fits Smeg & HISENSE DHGE902 Etc.
Genuine spare part
Length 1942 mm Section H Ribs: 8 Elasticity: PHE Type: Poly-Vee A smoothed, stretched or damaged belt can prevent your machine's drum from spinning... More information
Gorenje D71310 Adjustable Foot - Levelling : Also Fits PANASONIC & HISENSE DHGE902 Etc.
Genuine spare part
Gorenje D71310 Door Hinge
Genuine spare part
Over the years your tumble dryer door hinge can become loose and worn which could result in the door not closing properly. Also if the hinge has been... More information
Gorenje D71310 Hinge Bushing
Genuine spare part
If the hinge pin bush for your appliance is damaged or become faulty, then you need this quality replacement to help your appliance back to its best.... More information
Gorenje D71310 Motor Pump
Genuine spare part
Type: HANYU B13-6B 10 watts Voltage: 230 (Volts) The water pump in your tumble dryer works by expelling air that passes over a condenser unit to this... More information